Sensor City is providing the opportunity for companies and entrepreneurs interested in sensor developments to chat these through with an engineering expert in sensor developments.

Professor Joe Spencer from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics will be on hand to answer technical queries around sensors and sensor systems to identify critical technical issues and knowledge gaps, allowing rapid identification of suitable and appropriate expertise within the network and subsequent signposting.

Who should attend?

Businesses and entrepreneurs who have a need to fill a knowledge gap in their organisation, or are interested in the LCR 4.0 programme.

Expected outcome?

Connection to experts who have relevant knowledge and know-how to assist in the development of an appropriate solution.  Free advice will be provided and there is the opportunity to apply for funding which could enable greater support.


Surgery slots are offered on the last Thursday of each month, between 8am and 12 noon. Slots are offered on a first come, first served basis by emailing


Meetings will be held in Sensor City, 31 Russell Street, Liverpool, L3 5LJ

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