
The way we live has changed dramatically over the last century, but the way we say goodbye hasn’t.

With endless technology at our fingertips and the ability to make things greener and fairer for future generations, two local entrepreneurs decided to redesign the coffin.

Our involvement with the LCR 4.0 scheme has resulted in outputs being produced in a timely and efficient manner, using expert advice and linking disciplines seamlessly.
I would fully recommend other people getting involved with Sensor City and the LCR 4.0 scheme.'

Gina Gzarnecki, Founder, KOFFIN

Approaching Sensor City

Artist Gina Czarnecki and copywriter and brand consultant Clare Barry created KOFFIN to challenge the rising costs of funerals, helping people take back their rights to a personal and affordable end.

During their prototype development, KOFFIN was looking for expert technical support to assist with their testing phase. They needed proof and assurance that the product’s materials could resist sufficient pressure and force once in use.

Partner Support

The LCR 4.0 team at Sensor City first undertook in depth analysis of the coffin model. Working with academic partners with aerospace engineering expertise, they carried out testing and FEA analysis on the materials.

The team then drew up a report concluding that the thickness of the material was suitable and robust enough for purpose.

Working into the future

After four years of development, the company has gone into production with the first-run of eco-friendly, biodegradable, fully-customisable coffins.


The work undertaken by the LCR 4.0 team at Sensor City helped The Koffin Company Ltd to confirm the optimum material thickness to start production, which will help to reduce material costs, and therefore costs to consumers.

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